


昨天去看「mama mia!」由多位老牌及以演技著稱的演員演出,如:梅莉史翠普、皮爾斯布洛斯南...等。這個故事的背景期間只有二天,整個故事敘述就是二天內哦,這是不是代表著人生如戲呢?


從蘇菲的二位好友、唐娜年輕時的二個死黨、三位唐娜曾很用力愛過的男士登上小島後,有趣、好笑、溫馨又誇張的劇情,在在吸引著戲院的觀眾們。同樣是百老匯熱門舞台劇改編,「mama mia」與「歌劇魅影」的拍攝手法完全不同,「歌劇魅影」其實仍可感覺有舞台劇的味道,而「mama mia」就像是一般的電影,只是有些台詞是用唱的。

喜歡音樂的人,一定都喜歡ABBA的歌,之所以會有「mama mia」這部片子,就是編劇聽了ABBA的音樂後,覺得他們的每一首歌都很有故事性,於是以ABBA的歌曲串連,著手寫出這部膾炙人口的歌舞劇。其中「dancing queen」更是堪稱ABBA之代表作,它曾經出現在「冬季戀歌」(有珍念高中時,在廣播社邊唱邊跳,俊祥在外偷看..)。這次十七首歌曲由ABBA前團員Benny重新編曲,配合劇情,更覺得這些歌聽來更愉悅也更有感覺。




Slipping Through My Fingers  [http://mymedia.yam.com/m/2338231]

Schoolbag in hand
she leaves home
in the early morning
waving goodbye
with an absent-minded smile
I watch her go
with a surge of
that well-known sadness
and I have to sit down
for a while
the feeling that I'm
losing her forever
and without really
entering her world
I'm glad whenever I
can share her laughter
that funny little girl

Slipping through my fingers
all the time
I try to capture
every minute
the feeling in it
slipping through my fingers
all the time
do I really see what's
in her mind
each time I think
I'm close to knowing
she keeps on growing
slipping through my fingers
all the time

Sleep in our eyes
her and me
at the breakfast table
barely awake I
let precious time go by
then when she's gone
there's that odd
melancholy feeling
and a sense of
guilt I can't deny
what happened to the
wonderful adventures
the places I had
planned for us to go
well some of that we did,
but most we didn't
and why I just don't know

Slipping through my fingers
all the time
I try to capture
every minute
the feeling in it
slipping through my fingers
all the time
do I really see what's
in her mind
each time I think
I'm close to knowing
she keeps on growing
slipping through my fingers
all the time

Sometimes I wish
that I could freeze
the picture
and save it from
the funny tricks of time
slipping through my fingers

Slipping through my fingers
all the time

Schoolbag in hand
she leaves home
in the early morning
waving goodbye
with an absent-minded smile





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